"We provide an environment for individuals to grow personally in their relationship with God through worship, bible study, service, and fellowship with other believers. We aim to develop, through training and mentoring, future Christian leaders who are not hindered by cultural bias, language, or national origin but are instead equipped with the necessary skills to effectively impact the next generation with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.."
New Here?
You are welcome to Amazing Grace Chapel! The home of signs and wonders!!!
Thought you may like to know:

Sunday Morning
- Bible Study: 9:30AM - 10:30AM
- Worship Service: 10:30AM -12:30PM
Mid-Week: Wed. 6:30PM - 8:00PM
- Digging Deep Bible Study
- Prayer Meeting
3rd Friday of Every Month:
Holy Communion & Night Vigil,
10PM - 12:30AM
RCCG Amazing Grace Building
36016 W Michigan Avenue
Wayne, MI 48184
Jesus Christ, the Light

There is no love greater than God's love - while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8).
Brethren, I pray that we will always take heed not only to abide in Christ's love, but to share it with others at every opportunity that we get!
And may you never be found guilty of refusing God's offer of love. Amen!!

Pastor Bukky & Toyin Oladipo